Recently I have been exploring Digital Story Telling! Digital Story Telling can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. However, to be able to use it beneficially in your classroom, I feel like the simpler you make it, the better. This will allow students in your classroom be able to learn how to use these resources on their own, and if they choose to explore more options to enhance their videos they can. I was introduced to a website called, Animoto. This site allows you to sign up for a free version and create 30 second photo videos including music and text. Your options are limited as to what you chose to create but sufficient enough to produce short video clips to engage students' learning. As an educator, if you feel as if you want to use this tool in your classroom at a higher level, you can purchase your own package on their pricing page here: Personal Pricing Plan.

When creating my own short film, I thought of using this video in my classroom as part of an introductory video of myself. (I would modify it depending on the age and level of my students). One of my favorite activities in life are spending time with my pets. I can foresee using this video in an EFL class, using basic vocabulary to enhance the students interest in learning the language. The students would also be given the opportunity to create a video of their favorite activity or pet, on their own, in the beginning of the year. The students could first create a video in their first language and as a mid-way or end of year assessment, the students can create their video using the English language to show their developing vocabulary and English language skills.The title of my video is called, Midnight and Shadow's First Christmas and was created through the free account Animoto provides.
Your idea for using the site to have the students create first in their L1 might work, but I'm not sure if there are scripts/characters available for all the languages your students may speak.