
Saturday, March 1, 2014

EFL Classroom 2.0!

A Great Home for Learning and Teaching 

Today I have joined a wonderful community on-line.  The community website page is titled EFL Classroom 2.0 !  I couldn't believe the resources before my eyes after joining!  The foremost greatest surprise about this new connection is that I haven't even seen everything it has to offer.  The depth of content materials, videos, blogs and mp3's are endless.  

By creating your own personal profile (which can be private if you chose) you are able to network with other teachers to share ideas of successful lessons and what I also call  "flop" lessons.  

From my past student teaching experiences, I found it absolutely necessary to reflect on each lesson.  Even if it was on a brief post-it note with 5 bullet points, listing what went well and what to change for next time. Reflection is essential to continuously learn as a teacher and building a network to share these reflections, takes it one step higher. You are not only helping yourself as an educator, helping other educators in your field, and you are most importantly, helping your students learn in the most meaningful environments, with the most advanced materials.
EFL Classroom 2.0 also provides monthly newsletters to help keep you informed with the most recent resources added to the site, along with special seminars and training's that are free! The professional development aspect of this website is current and readily available for their members. I am truly very grateful that my professor has provided this site for me to browse and join:)

Any questions?  Please comment! 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great resource for you. Don't forget that the people you connect with can also learn from your experience.
